HVAC Prices In 2023, what you should know to be ready

HVAC Prices In 2023, what you should know
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The AC Therapist

HVAC Prices In 2023, what you should know to be ready

You may have heard that air conditioning and heating system prices will go up from 2023. The new minimum requirement for an AC system will be 14 SEER. You’ll need a 17 or 18-SEER system if you want the top-of-the-line.

HVAC Prices In 2023

You can expect to pay more for your HVAC system once the new minimum requirement goes into effect. If you want to be able to cool your home now, you’ll have no choice but to upgrade your existing AC unit.

This is because the current minimum efficiency standard (a measurement of how well a system works) is 13 SEER, which means that older systems need to meet those standards and will therefore have to be replaced with newer ones for their work properly.

In addition, a new requirement will also be implemented in 2023 that states that all air-conditioning units sold must be at least 14 SEERs—and if you’re looking for top-of-the-line cooling performance, then experts recommend purchasing an 18 SEER or 17 SEER system instead.

Minimum efficiency SEER ratings for 2023

SEER 2.0/2.5 Mandate

The SEER 2.0/2.5 mandate is a new requirement from the Department of Energy (DOE) that will be implemented in late 2020, where all new central air conditioners must have a minimum of a 13 SEER rating and 14 HSPF rating to qualify for any federal tax incentives or credits, beginning in 2023. If you purchase an air conditioner before this time, it may only qualify for tax credits after 2020 if it has at least a 13 SEER and 14 HSPF ratings.

The same goes for replacing your current system; if it doesn’t meet these requirements, you won’t be able to take advantage of any federal tax credits from now on, even if you’re replacing an old system with one with lower efficiency ratings!

This rule applies to residential and commercial systems but does not apply retroactively (meaning those already installed prior will still qualify). This means there’s no reason why anyone should wait until 2021 or later before upgrading their existing equipment if they want access to future rebates or incentives because by then, everything could potentially be too expensive due to inflationary pressures caused by having early adopters jump ahead of everyone else who waits until 2022-2023. and so on down the line until 2024, when everything becomes prohibitively expensive due to inflationary pressures caused by having early adopters jump ahead etc.

SEER 2.0/2.5 Warranty

The SEER 2.0/2.5 Warranty covers your HVAC unit for one year from the installation date. The warranty covers all parts and labor required to repair or replace parts that fail due to normal wear and tear. This includes the compressor, condenser coil, evaporator coil, filter drier, compressors, and refrigerant lines used in a complete system replacement, as well as labor for removal, disposal, and reinstallation of a product covered by this warranty. All service work must be performed by an authorized Trane Comfort Specialist® dealer or Trane Comfort Specialists® factory-trained technician with a valid certificate in good standing issued by Trane Retail Services (TRS).

SEER 2.0/2.5 Upfront costs vs. long-term costs

If you want to save money, the upfront costs of a SEER 2.0 or 2.5 system will be more expensive than a SEER 1 or 1+ system. However, these systems will also cost you less in terms of repairs and maintenance because fewer parts need replacement as time goes on. This means that you’re spending more now but saving money over time by avoiding costly reparations later on down the road!

The lower initial price tags of SEER 1 and 1+ systems also tend to make them more affordable than their high-efficiency counterparts – but this decision should be based on your specific needs and preferences rather than solely cost considerations alone!

As a result of this change, homeowners may be wondering if they should replace their air conditioner before January 1, 2023. It is highly recommended to do so if any of the following apply to your system:

  1. If your air conditioner uses R22 refrigerant, it is recommended to replace it, regardless of whether it is functioning properly, as this refrigerant is no longer being produced.
  2. If your cooling system uses an ozone-friendly refrigerant (such as R410A or Puron) and is over 12 years old, consider replacing it, regardless of whether it is functioning properly.
  3. If your cooling system uses an ozone-friendly refrigerant (such as R410A or Puron) and is under 12 years old, but repair costs are expected to exceed $500, consider replacing it.

Should I buy new equipment now or in 2023

If you’re considering bringing in new HVAC equipment in 2023, it’s important to know that the SEER rating will increase—so if you wait until then to upgrade your system, you’ll be getting a higher SEER for less money.

That being said, if you do buy now and replace your HVAC equipment before 2023 arrives, there are some things to consider:

  • The current SEER rating on the market will be lower than what will be the standard by that time
  • The installation cost of your system could save up to 30% off what it would cost in 2023 (you can also expect installation costs for new systems to rise as well)

The new minimum requirement for an AC system will be 14 SEER. If you want top-of-the-line, you’ll need a 17 or 18-SEER system.

The new minimum requirement for an AC system will be 14 SEER. If you want top-of-the-line, you’ll need a 17 or 18-SEER system.

What does this mean for you? If your current unit is 10 SEER, it is time to get a new one. If your unit is 12 SEER and has already been replaced in the last couple of years, it’s also time to replace it again with one at least 14 SEER.

The good news is that prices have dropped dramatically, and there are now many options available at lower costs than before while offering higher efficiency ratings.You can also learn more about what SEER rating you need.


Be sure to look for an HVAC system before the last minute. You need to make sure that your home is ready for the new minimum requirement before 2022 so you can enjoy all its benefits.

The AC Therapist is here to help you!

We, at The AC Therapist, are prepared to accompany our customers in this process and offer them the best efficient units to save money while obtaining a high-efficiency system. We will hold our prices until January 31st, 2023. Give us a call and get a free estimate!

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